ISIDORACHAIR/カウンターチェア デザイナーズ家具Young & Design 2015 and the Interior Innovation Award 2016を受賞したイタリアGaberのデザインチェア。※第一画像が照明の関係でフレームが薄いグレーに見えますが、実際はホワイトです。原産国:イタリアGaber in ltalyDesign:Favaretto&Partnersサイズ: 幅48 奥行46 高さ97 座面高76(cm)素材:テクノポリマー(ホワイト)背・座: リサイクルレザー(ダークグレー)※在庫限り限定品のため、ご注文前に本日の在庫をお問い合わせください。※3万円以上ご購入の送料無料は一部地域を除きます。(北海道・沖縄・離島は見積対応となります) Favaretto&Partners
Curiosity, unrelenting passion for research and exemplary rigour in design have characterised Favaretto&Partners’ work in industrial design and architectural planning for over 30 years. Founded in 1973 as Studio Favaretto, it developed, from the early 80s, a long and fruitful experience working alongside Italian and foreign companies. The practice has consolidated lasting relationships by following the full development process of most projects with a number of prestigious businesses, reciving many awards.
Favaretto&Partners’ unique style is founded on the innovative use of materials, painstaking precision in design and a penchant for stylistic and functional inventiveness. The technical competencies gleaned over decades and the ever-present passion for experimentation have enabled the practice to work successfully and with versatility in different manufacturing sectors, from telephones to furnishings (seating, lighting,,,,,, ) to medical and household objects. Favaretto&Partners has specialised in the planning, prototyping and production of office furniture, technical seating (operational and executive) and collective systems, introducing, in certain cases, design languages embraced by other designers and manufacturers.
Favaretto&Partners actively supports and adheres to the principles of “Design for All”, a declaration accepted by the European Commission and promoted by the I.I.D.D. (Italian Institute Design Disability). The declaration encourages disability-proof design practices which aim to make objects and environments accessible and functional to the widest possible range of users.
Curiosity, unrelenting passion for research and exemplary rigour in design have characterised Favaretto&Partners’ work in industrial design and architectural planning for over 30 years. Founded in 1973 as Studio Favaretto, it developed, from the early 80s, a long and fruitful experience working alongside Italian and foreign companies. The practice has consolidated lasting relationships by following the full development process of most projects with a number of prestigious businesses, reciving many awards.
Favaretto&Partners’ unique style is founded on the innovative use of materials, painstaking precision in design and a penchant for stylistic and functional inventiveness. The technical competencies gleaned over decades and the ever-present passion for experimentation have enabled the practice to work successfully and with versatility in different manufacturing sectors, from telephones to furnishings (seating, lighting,,,,,, ) to medical and household objects. Favaretto&Partners has specialised in the planning, prototyping and production of office furniture, technical seating (operational and executive) and collective systems, introducing, in certain cases, design languages embraced by other designers and manufacturers.
Favaretto&Partners actively supports and adheres to the principles of “Design for All”, a declaration accepted by the European Commission and promoted by the I.I.D.D. (Italian Institute Design Disability). The declaration encourages disability-proof design practices which aim to make objects and environments accessible and functional to the widest possible range of users.
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MEMBRANE counter chair(メンブレン カウンターチェア) ixc. | カッシーナ・イクスシー
カウンターチェアカフェチェアシートレザーデザイナーズチェアイタリア製 muc0464dg : muc0464dg : 家具セレクトコムYahoo!店 - 通販 - Yahoo!ショッピング
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人気カウンターチェアが、おしゃれなヴィンテージ調にリニューアル~カフェやバーのようなモダンなお部屋作りにマッチしたデザインに | タンスのゲン株式会社のプレスリリース
カウンターチェアカフェチェアシートレザーデザイナーズチェアイタリア製 muc0464dg : muc0464dg : 家具セレクトコムYahoo!店 - 通販 - Yahoo!ショッピング
カウンターチェア デザイナーズbarstools 本革レザーハイチェア ブラウン 昇降式 イタリア BONTEMPI mbc0120br|業務用 デザイナーズ家具 デザイン照明インテリア雑貨 通販の家具セレクトコム
人気カウンターチェアが、おしゃれなヴィンテージ調にリニューアル~カフェやバーのようなモダンなお部屋作りにマッチしたデザインに | タンスのゲン株式会社のプレスリリース
カウンターチェア TEC-42 ROOM ESSENCE | 【公式】LOWYA(ロウヤ) 家具・インテリアのオンライン通販
ダイニングチェアーデザイナーズチェアクラシカルモダンイタリア製木製椅子 muc0178wha : muc0178wha : 家具セレクトコムYahoo!店 - 通販 - Yahoo!ショッピング